Monday, January 7, 2013

Video Link for the Day!

On Pious Prayer - by Fr. George Calciu

Father George Calciu (1925–2006) was one of the great confessors of Christianity in the twentieth century. Having survived the diabolic prison experiments of Communist Romania, spending 21out of his 80 years in a Soviet gulag. Fr. George went on to become an apostle to spiritual seekers in Romania and, eventually, throughout the world. He was able to speak authoritatively of God’s love andforgiveness because of his own experience of God’s mercy. As a priest in America, Fr. George maintained a strict ascetic life of fasting and prayer, while at the sametime pastoring his flock as a joyful and loving father.

After watching the video linked above, please comment! What thoughts can you offer regarding what Father George spoke about? Do you have any of your own experiences to share about spiritual warfare? Do you establish a set time for yourself to pray? What experiences have you found that have helped or hindered you in your struggle?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this video. I enjoyed watching it. The things he says about demons and angels surrounding us make more sense to me as I go along. And his words about being weak in prayer, well, they are comforting, because if this Father recognized his weakness, then I know not all is lost for me! It's quite a thing to begin the struggle of prayer, and hopefully we won't need to go into prison to be strengthened, but of course one never knows...
